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interstice (detail)

interstice (detail)

andrew martyn sugars, 'interstice (detail)', sculptural new media, may 2010. dimensions: (X x 2121 x 4242) x t  where X = 6750 x Y x Z, Y = overall width, Z = overall length, t = time
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andrew martyn sugars. does high contrast black and white, signify a physocological state of the maker?  oh...and i finished applying paint
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andrew martyn sugars

andrew martyn sugars

andrew martyn sugars. application of paint = intense physical effort resulting in tiredness and fatigue.
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see description

see description

andrew martyn sugars, 'see description'. not a particle physisicist considering research scene (number arbitarily assigned for achieving notority through number as not yet set=uncalculated variable)
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