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The Long and Winding Road.
Resource Archive Feature

Disconcerting possibilities

With a-n amongst the first to record its phenomenal impact through publication way back in 1991 of Live art, performance as it was then known, exhibited the characteristics of all that was innovative and edgy. In its introduction, Robert Ayers and David Butler commented: “Live art’s continued value and relevance is mirrored by the extent to which other live artists continue to come up with surprising, disconcerting new possibilities”.

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Resource Archive Feature

Rural response

With half the UK’s population residing outwith urban conurbations, and regional and arts and cultural policies prioritising local engagement, locations often regarded as countrified are strategically raising their art world profile through imaginative programmes and project.

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Resource Archive Feature

Art outdoors

Publicly-funded arts organisations are exhorted to extend participation in the arts by getting more people actively engaged in off-site and public realm programmes. Alongside, those in the business world are increasingly aware of the advantages of bringing artists’ ideas into development and regeneration projects. Here we highlight selected projects happening over the summer within the wider public domain.

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Splat, Holland Park
Resource Archive Feature

Collaborative relationships

To preface a new ongoing series exploring relationships between artists and their collaborators, we asked some of today’s most interesting curators for insights into their practices.

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Resource Research paper

Art work in 2007

Text-only version of a-n Research paper: Art work in 2007 with live weblinks.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2008 March

This month’s Research papers: Art work in 2007 draws on intelligence held within the data researched and published continuously by a-n for our jobs and opportunities.

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Research Working practice

Art work in 2007

A review of the changing face of work for visual artists using a-n’s regularly researched and published information on jobs and opportunities. Presents an analysis of the key findings for 2007, concentrating on the work areas tracked since 1989, and opportunities such as fellowships, commissions, competitions, exhibitions and residencies.

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Some Kinds of Weather Create Situations (detail)
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine January 2008

Contents include: Can artists engage in collaboration without slipping into a parasitic relationship? Helen Knowles on her experiences. Reviews includes group show at Airspace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, Fiona Curran at Mac, Birmingham and Neil Webb at Bloc, Sheffield. Susan Jones explores […]

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Civic Heart Arch
Resource Archive Feature

Art in the public realm

Exploring the roles and reasons of selected organisations dedicated to widening access to the visual arts through commissioning temporary and permanent interventions in non-gallery spaces in the first of a two-part feature.

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Resource Archive Discussion

The arts debate

Since November 2006, Arts Council England has been asking all across the land to add their views on the public value of the arts.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Bread and choices

“Art should be recognised as a staple part of our everyday lives like bread, and in that respect it should be ordinary, albeit an extraordinary ordinariness, but no less essential in sustaining life.”

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The Homerton Playscape Multiple Struggle Niche
Resource Archive Feature

Playing up

Gillian Nicol explores the nature of collaborative and creative processes involved in making artwork in the public realm.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Editorial – 2007 February

With inflation about to hit a ten-year high1, to what extent can the practices of artists nowadays resist the pressures of the real world?

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Pigeon Seats
Resource Archive Document

a-n Magazine July 2006

Contents include: Is ‘Disability artist’ another label leading to ghettoised work? Notes from FASED’s panel discussion. Susan Jones on artists’ rates of pay. Focus on prizes and awards, new film fund and Midlands-based initiatives. JISC subscription package launched for universities […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Fees update

Paul Matosic’s letter (June issue) raises important issues for all artists for whom operating professionally is vital.

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Outcomes and issues
Research Working practice

Outcomes and issues: An appetite for change in the visual arts

Summary of the 2005–06 Future forecast programme, marking a-n’s 25th anniversary, presenting an overview of a comprehensive enquiry into the conditions of art production in the UK. The introduction contextualises the evidence within the current social and cultural climate, with the final section setting out a series of measures across five key areas that will enhance artists’ developments.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Making a difference

June marks the completion of a-n’s 25-year programme of research, debate and publishing.

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Resource Archive Discussion

Radical change

The Meeting of Minds Brain Sciences Project1 put citizens from nine European countries in open dialogue with brain scientists and policymakers, to explore and make decisions on key future concerns.

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