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Job Art vacancies

OPEN CALL: ‘Wakes Week’ Mobile Pop Up Exhibiton Stand

The British Textile Biennial and Showtown, Blackpool are looking for a creative to design and build a mobile pop up exhibition structure to house and tour a collection of photographs and postcards of Blackpool Wakes Week from 1900-1939.

Job Residencies

Summer Residency 2024

The OVADA warehouse will be transformed into a shared studio space, allowing time for the development of new work and ideas in a stimulating environment

Job Art vacancies

AA2A is seeking Directors and Advisory Board members

AA2A is changing. Would you like to be part of the change? AA2A offers artists/makers the opportunity to undertake residencies in FE or HE settings and is now seeking people with knowledge of visual arts and/or education to join our Board of Directors and new Advisory Board.

Job Awards

The Homiens Art Prize

Free Entry. 6 Winners and 12 Finalists exhibit with Homiens, $24,000 awarded annually, publication, and more. Up to 200 artists are Highly Commended. Jurors’ feedback available.