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hot frosty morning

While seeing a silent frosty field during lockdown, there were some warm colours in the foliage. I thought about ongoing conflicting elements of climate-change, as hot and cold, being contained within the one small field, like a sensitive area of the land body. I tried to capture those elements in paint. The compositions are inspired by ‘Monet’ and ‘Seurat’ paintings of trees.

bore rhewllyd poeth

Wrth weld cae rhewllyd a thawel yn ystod y cyfnod clo, roedd rhai lliwiau cynnes yn y dail. Meddyliais am yr elfennau gwrthgyferbyniol o newid hinsawdd sy’n digwydd, fel poeth ac oer, yn cael eu cynnwys o fewn yr un cae bach, fel rhan sensitif o gorff y tir. Ceisiais ddal yr elfennau hynny mewn paent. Y cyfansoddiad yn ysbrydoledig gan ‘Monet’ a ‘Seurat’ paentiadau o goeden.