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After having finished the Word canvas, I felt compelled to create a companion painting for The Loss of Innocence. My original intention, had been to follow the advice of Rimantas Plunge and paint another Eyes canvas but after much consideration I felt that another canvas would not add to the message already held within the original and may even detract from its impact. To take the story held within Loss of Innocence one step further however would, I feel, add something significant to my degree show installation.  Two paintings, in dialogue with one another would add another dimension to what I hope will be a powerful, if uncomfortable, message. The idea has been rolling around in my head for some time but now I feel the need to make it real. I haven’t given myself a lot of time, a couple of weeks or so. Considering how long I was working on the Loss of innocence, I can’t help feeling that I must be slightly mad or maybe I just like putting myself under pressure. The jury is still out on that one!

The following images are a record of its progress.

Determination is a wonderful thing!