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Robin came into my space and moved the pieces of work around. The fabric canvas on the main wall – it now has a title, Breaking the Silence. That crucial act was the beginning of this whole process, my speaking out, so it seems an appropriate choice.  The eyes canvas on the wall opposite and Loss of Innocnce and Prisoner of Silence on the opposing side walls. No space was designated for the fabric sculpture. I thought it worked quite well except that I really want to use the fabric sculpture, I will sit with it for a while.

Jane was the next to take a look at the space, and proceeded to change everything around. She felt that the eyes canvas was the strongest piece and that it should be on the main wall and that the word canvas should be on the outside wall as it didn’t really work with the paintings.

We moved it outside, it seemed overwhelming in that corridor-like space but maybe that’s a good thing. Several hours later and getting used to seeing it in its new location I have to agree with Jane, it works better as a stand-alone piece.

I have started to make frames for  Loss of Innocence and Prisoner of Silence. The original frame for Loss of Innocence was a really poor effort at frame making ( my first attempt I might add) and needs to be replaced and I want the frames for both to be the same.