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Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWmIwbS7elE&ab_channel=M3lart

When using Instagram, hashtags can help get your artwork out there for others to see. When you use generic hashtags for example #art, there will be lots of other posts that have used that hashtag, this mans your post will become a needle in a haystack, and your post won’t be seen by many people.

Step 1

Look at an artwork that you want to share on social media and write down some words to describe it. This could include the medium(s), subject matter and what/who inspired you. These words might not be the hashtags used in the post but jumping off points.

Step 2

Look at different hashtags, type in the words you have written down and type one in. on Instagram you will be able to see what hashtags other people are using that incorporate the word you searched. The aim of this exercise is to find hashtags that aren’t used as much and are more specific, this means you need to look at how many posts each hashtag has. The woman in the video aims to use hashtags that have between 5 thousand and 50 thousand posts. Although lower number of posts is good, make sure the number isn’t too low, otherwise people won’t see it.

Step 3

Make a list of hashtags that you like and use. Make sure you have a bunch of different hashtags so that you can change up and use different hashtags for different posts.


This was an interesting video as I had no idea how to use hashtags and I learnt some tips on how to find hashtags that are not used as frequently which can help in terms of reaching a larger audience on Instagram. This video is from 2019, but from what I have seen on Instagram and the recent comments under the video saying that this video was really useful and helped them, so from this I can infer that the information is still relevant.