If you think all children deserve to experience and enjoy music, see live performance, visit museums and galleries, be inspired by heritage and architecture, make art with writers, performers and artists, sign up to the Cultural Learning Alliance to show your support and help promote and protect cultural learning.

CLA provides Heads, teachers, cultural and youth professionals with the most up to date research, news and best practice examples, as well as building a vibrant, coherent and informed voice for cultural learning and participation.

Over 6,000 people have signed up to the Alliance since its launch in 2010. They have rallied support from a wide range of people from the cultural sector, schools and universities, parents and the wider community, and politicians.

The Alliance brings together the diverse parts of the cultural sector to work together – including museums, film, libraries, heritage, dance, literature, new media arts, theatre, visual arts and music – with the education and youth sector.

It assumes that culture is experienced in a highly interactive, participatory and personal way; that cultural learning takes place within and beyond learning institutions; that it has the power to inspire civic engagement leading to educational, personal, social and community benefit and to the growth of the creative economy; and that it can transform and inspire lives, regardless of personal circumstances.

More about the Cultural Learning Alliance and to sign up: www.culturallearningalliance.org.uk/

a-n.co.uk October 2013