Royal British Society of Sculptors
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
108 Old Brompton Road London SW7 3RA

18@108:Paper features six sculptors working with paper to transform this ordinary 2D material into forms which have an ethereal, other worldly presence and examine society and the human condition. Susan Cutts uses the language of clothing to evoke memories and dreams or stories from a distant past. Chris Dunseath draws upon ancient Egyptian art for inspiration, exploring concepts of transformation and change. Valerie Jolly’s sculptures deal with absence and impermanence. Bruce Gernand’s geometric forms exploit the characteristics of the material, exploring inside and outside spaces with abstract references to the human body. Chuitma Kerdpitak’s sculptures playfully deal with the expression of human value, individuality and freedom whilst Brian McCann’s interest lies in how we see and read the world, with recognition of human vulnerability.