Granary Square
Friday, May 17, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Granary Square, King's Cross, London, N1

Paris-based Swiss artist Felice Varini takes King’s Cross as his canvas by applying metallic geometric patterns on to the buildings which populate the skyline north of Regent’s Canal. The vast aluminum motifs mould to the shapes of the Victorian brick, their reflective surface contrasting with the dark undertones of the heritage architecture.As onlookers wander through the site, they enter a three-dimensional painting, which playfully engages with the reality of the urban fabric. From a single viewpoint, accessible from the top of an elevated platform, the geometries of ‘Across the Buildings’ unify into one continuous pattern. Once liberated from the point of perspective, these fragments appear in unexpected and ever-changing configurations existing as independent and yet connected entities.This is the third artwork to be revealed as part of RELAY, the dedicated art programme at King’s Cross curated by Michael Pinsky and Stéphanie Delcroix. From 16 May until 18 October. RELAY is funded by the King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership and has received the support of Eurostar, the Universith of East London, Arts Council England and the Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom.