Saturday, July 11, 2020
11:00 AM
South East England
'a space' arts

Open Studios is all about peeling back the curtain and having the chance to see the life and workings inside an artists workspace. Unfortunately due to these times, the Arches Studios artists are not able to invite you into their space, but would still like to share and connect with you. They have all worked individually and together to find creative solutions to embrace the challenges we as artists and a community are facing now. The diversity of practices is reflected here – staged on these various digital platforms where the work is shared for you to enjoy. Thank you for your support, presence, and interest – and we hope you enjoy!

Open Studios Programme – Live Activity
Dave Hubble
Dave Hubble introduces and performs on his created instrument, The Coronium – made from found materials.
Join Dave for a workshop to make your own instrument out of materials from around your home
LIVE: 11am – 11:40am
Cacophony Junk Orchestra – Bring your home-made musical instruments and join Dave in jamming together to make noise from junk
LIVE: 2pm – 2:20pm
Chris Cudlip
Working from a found object, sculptor, Chris Cudlip will be broadcasting footage of the process involved in carving a naturalistic form in lime wood.
LIVE: 3pm – 3:30pm
An Open Discussion – Artists working together in the City of Culture bid
As the exciting build up to Southampton going for City of Culture continues, we’d like to provide a platform for artists and others to be able to discuss, dream and project ideas and possibilities in light of a successful bid. How will our artists community be part of that in shaping how we move forward? What would/should artists be doing as a community? How could we contribute? During these pandemic times we have learnt a lot about community – how do we carry that through into our City of Culture bid? Continuing to encourage supporting one another locally and inventing new ways to connect and be together. Arches artist Asten Holmes-Elliott hosts an open discussion to bring artists and community together to creatively start this conversation.
LIVE: 7pm – 9pm


Open Studios Programme – Throughout the Day
Arches Group Exhibition
Arches artist J Walters has made a virtual recreation of Arch 04, The Arches studios, and invited Arches artists to share their work within this space.
Instagram Stories
See instagram stories throughout the day to meet the residents and see their recent work.
Artist Interviews
Join us with a series of Instagram Live sessions, where the ‘Archies’ artists pair up and interview each other, talk about their practice, gossip and answer questions!
Nicola Anderson
Using film and sound footage from her garden and laptop, Nicola’s new work takes on a state of isolation.
Stewart Beckett
Stewart will be doing a portrait painting demonstration over the course of the weekend, streamed on his YouTube Channel. He will also be available via Facebook and Instagram, throughout the day, discussing and answering questions.
Hazel Corvin
Hazel Corvin presents “Lockdown Bookbinding”- using found objects and materials picked up during essential shops, in order to remember/distract from the current state of the world. This will be shared via her Instagram page @OctoberTales.Studio.
The artist’s previous projects, including zines and Artist Book Objects will also be showcased over the course of Open Studios, and available to purchase direct from the artist via social media.
Dana Dohotaru
Dana Do launches her Southampton Longing Map project – responding to the effects of quarantine and people missing their favourite places. Her digital map acts as a bridge between people of Southampton and their favourite places in the city.
Jilly Evans
Jilly Evans carries on her exploration of urban graffiti tagging. Since lockdown her research field has narrowed to a daily walk in the local park where she is noticing in more detail the ever changing evolution of tagging. She continues, mainly through stitch, to think about who is making these tags and the value or otherwise of unseen/unpaid work.
Emma Louise Harris
Emma Louise Harris has challenged herself to do one art journal page for each day of the lockdown. She is a painter and art journaler, and has kept art journals (which she sees as visual diaries) since 2008. The work shared is mainly using collage and mixed media.
Celeste Ingrams
Celeste’s filmed performance responds to the Arches studios closed doors in lockdown – webs being spun inside and processed outside, in changing networks of connection.
Lizzie Jones
Lizzie, Lacky Les and Half Caboodle share puppet show creations and making from the yellow teapot garden window puppet show.
Also see Lizzie’s notes from the adventures of this year’s Arches dye garden…
Peter McGinnis
Peter has taken to Pottering around his house making practical sculptures and performing on Tik Tok #itsnotart
Jaime J West
Jaimé J West presents a Creative Meditation Workshop. The session will introduce you to Free Sahaja Yoga Meditation and start with Self Realisation, the first technique of the practice.