The Alfred Arcade
Friday, May 31, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
The Alfred Arcade, Old Northam Road, Southampton, SO14 0NZ
South West England
'a space' arts

Banana Split is an exhibition of new work by artists Kane ApplegateBenji HeinkeMandy Smith, and Robin Price; collectively known as the Bananas.

These four artists have been based at the Alfred Arcade over the winter, having exhibited at Ripe Bananas and Banana Bread last year.

As well as using the space as a studio, the Bananas have met regularly for crit sessions and evolved their ideas through this exchange and experimentation.

Join us for the launch on Friday 31st May from 6pm until late.

The exhibition is then open 10am – 6pm over the following weekend (Saturday 1st, and Sunday 2nd June).