Royal British Society of Sculptors
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
108 Old Brompton Road London SW7 3RA

Two talented sculptors, Halima Cassell and Kate McLeod will give a presentation abou their amazing experience during their 3 months residency in Italy. Halima Cassell ARBS was awarded the Stone Residency at Fondazione Sem and Kate McLeod ARBS was awarded the Bronze Residency at Fonderia Mariani. Fondazione Sem Established in March 2003, the Foundation derives its name and founding principles from the cultural legacy of Sem Ghelardini, who in his time founded and directed Studio Sem. The foundation currently provides: scholarships for young artists or those currently working in another material. Conferences and lectures on the creative process, art and culture in general and professional training for young artisans. Fonderia Artistica Mariani The foundry has a long tradition of producing high quality bronze sculptures following the same method of lost wax casting used by Benvenuto Cellini. Improved today by modern technology and machinery this is still the most accurate and reliable way of creating sculptures and bronze monuments. Kindly supported by the Brian Mercer Charitable Trust.