Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Earl St, Coventry CV1 5RU
West Midlands
Pangaea Sculptors' Centre

The artwork is in a state of flux. Formed from materials with varying properties and states of permanence, throughout the duration of their exhibition these materials will continue to transform, the results as yet unknown.

Drawing on a number of different technical approaches from stone carving, to mycelium cultivation, to digital modelling, this installation harnesses the power of nature, bringing together traditional practices with cutting-edge techniques to examine sculpture as a space of possibility and transformation.

The title of this artwork derives from Mario Merz’s sculpture ‘Igloo, Do We Go Around Houses, or Do Houses Go Around Us?’ (1977, reconstructed 1985), with this reference acting as a departure point from which to investigate how artists might use materials to underscore the key questions of sustainability in contemporary society.

“Should buildings be made out of materials designed to outlive their useful life? Should we return to traditional structures and techniques that are low cost but labour intensive with minimal environmental impact? How can we look to nature to lead innovation and create a healthier and more sustainable built environment?”