Rich Mix
Friday, May 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA

UK born artist Gloria Ojulari Sule brings her multi-media installation to Rich Mix encompassing video, costume, painting and drawing. As a British woman of dual heritage she addresses a number of themes and aims to dispel stereotypes with her work. A strong sense of cultural identity is achieved through her individual work as well as through a number of project collaborations. HLM Costume is a three screen video installation filmed in Dakar the work documents the artist as she immerses herself in the experience of having a traditional costume made – meeting fabric sellers and tailors in Dakar market, choosing dress styles, fabrics and accessories, watching the tailors at work and the final fitting. Commissioned by Picture This Bristol. Cassava – Clothing Art Saying Something and Valuing Alternatives is a collective construction made with Full Circle Women’s Group. Cassava was commissioned by Arnolfini and Relational as part of Craftivism, a project that that concerned the area of research between craft, contemporary art and socially engaged practice. The two-person and three-person costumes were produced through a collaborative process with an intergenerational group of women. This process involved the reworking of recycled clothing using indigo hand-dyeing processes and Dutch wax prints; cloth traditionally associated with Yoruba cultural dress.