Tourist Hot Spots
Friday, September 9, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Various Locations Refer to Baedeker

The Grand Tour, the epitomes rite of passage for privileged young Englishmen of the 18th Century, that studious observer of human nature, travelling foreign lands, diligently cataloguing his observations for those who remained behind, tastefully collecting souvenirs of antiquity and history. Cashing in on developments in transport Thomas Cook began offering tours at affordable prices, the middle-classes took advantage joining their masters’ to experience other cultures and exotic strangeness. More recently the downward slide in prices and expectation allowed cheaper tours releasing in increasing quantities the British working classes into Europe. Today, released from ankle tags and ASBOs, two nylon-clad, logo-laden, cheap gold bejeweled chavs in their newfound freedom have inexplicably joined the tradition and somehow made their way to Venice. Once there they inadvertently undo the reputations the cultural elites who went before them worked so hard to build. Bored as hell they follow the throng and find themselves at the Grand Tour hotspots where they can find nothing more to do than bicker, sulk, get pissed and bored, and listlessly do their time until the budget airline returns them home laden with cheap souvenirs and new experiences, soon to be lost in a haze of homegrown skunk and white lightening.