WW Gallery
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Bowling Green, Hackney Downs Park, opposite 30 Queensdown Road E5 8NN

“What meaning does your construction have?” he asks. “What is the aim of a city under construction unless it is a city? Where is the plan you are following, the blueprint?”…Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. “There is the blueprint,” they say. (Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities)Artist and Slade graduate Eva Lis unveils her installation Tunnel Vision in the Bowling Green, at the centre of Hackney Downs. This is the first ever public art installation to take place in Hackney Downs, the beautiful park opposite WW Gallery at 30 Queensdown Road. The location for the private view is the abandoned tennis court adjacent to the bowling green and entry to the installation is via a hole in the fence. There will be signposts. Dress warmly!