Gallery 33
Friday, July 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Grosse Hamburger Strasse 33 10115 Berlin

Wolstenholme Projects is an artist run group based in Liverpool, UK. ‘Façade’ brings together six of Wolstenholme Projects’ artists. Each artist has reacted to the concept of façade in a very personal way. Façade inspires thoughts of face, front, image and skin and allows us to question the ideas behind inside and outside, between hidden and clear. Façade provides us with a fascinating link between our body and the buildings that we construct in order to inhabit. Both are vessels for our experiences, both have a façade which acts as a defence mechanism, choosing whether or not to hide the movements and actions that take place beneath the ‘skin’. This exhibition will present the responses of six individuals to the subject of façade. The most interesting response will hopefully come from the viewer who will be asked to question what façade means to them.