The Royal British Society of Sculptors
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Friday, February 11, 2011
108 Old Brompton Road, London, SW7 3RA

The RBS is pleased to unveil the winning work in the Sculpture Forecourt and celebrate Suresh Dutt’s achievement as the recipient of the FIRST@108 Public Art Award 2010. ‘My work investigates the generation or construction of space by using the theories of visual perception to determine geometric structures that can be transformed through the exploitation of perspective. Reflection, transparency and colour are employed to define or conceal visual cues that inform perspective, depth, focus, orientation and scale. Drawing Cube (Blue) was developed from a manipulated image of a Necker Cube using three dimensional modelling software. Drawing Cube [Blue] will be featured in the RBS Sculpture Forecourt until 11 February 2011 and there is an accompanying solo exhibition of smaller sculptures from 23 September – 8 October 2010.