Greenfield Arts Centre
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Greenfield Way Newton Aycliffe Co. Durham DL5 7LF
North East England

Hearts and Minds ( The Tour) The Art of Barrie West and Angela Sandwith Distilled down to its pure essence, Hearts and Minds is an exhibition which examines and celebrates socialization and processes of belonging. Using a variety of media and techniques, Angela’s work combines drawing, sculpture, and textiles. Influenced by her everyday environment, she often use recycled materials combined with traditional textile techniques. In more recent work Angela has been more and more concerned with the theme of protection and values within the family. Barrie’s art explores, and attempts to understand the meaning of “being what you are”. By identifying and isolating incidents in our past, we can go a long way to explain the thoughts, feelings and actions of the present