Ryedale Folk Museum
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Ryedale Folk Museum, Hutton le Hole, North Yorks YO62 6UA

An exhibition bringing together major works by Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Sir Terry Frost and others, representing the extent of Herbert Read’s impact on the direction and development of British Modern Art in the twentieth century. Poet, critic, military hero and pacifist, thinker, and philosopher, Herbert Read used his gifts as a writer to communicate the power of modern art to others. Yorkshire Modern celebrates Herbert Read’s enduring influence on culture through the artists he championed. Read always maintained a special relationship with his home in Ryedale and, although establishing himself as a vanguard figure of international social and cultural causes, he remained at heart a rural radical. This exhibition is an opportunity to highlight the historical significance of this native of Ryedale, and to bring works of national and international significance to rural North Yorkshire.