Saturday, November 2, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
INDEX Gallery Brewery Lane Thrupp, Stroud Glos GL5 2DN
South West England

INDEX is proud to present an installation of two video works: Berlin Metro by Christopher Steadman and Journey to Islay by Joanna Greenhill.

A daily commute through Berlin, a ferry ride to Islay. The contrasting environments of both videos perform the unlikely by connecting at moments, rebounding from each other to reflect on travelling experiences and our temporary position in the world.

Steadman’s work addresses the journey back and forth through the city, repeated day after day. The work focuses on the familiarity of travelling: disconnected passengers, time spent in motion and the journey’s duration. Greenhill’s video explores arrival and departure, the unbounded space of the sea and our dependence on the horizon line for navigation and control.

A photographic and text work by Joanna Greenhill, the new becoming old, is shown in the adjoining gallery space. Photographs depicting St Peter’s Seminary in Cardross, Scotland chart the demise of an iconic modernist building.