Platform 1 Gallery
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wandsworth Common Station, St James Drive, Nightingale Lane, London SW12 8NL

Revinder Chahal uses varying forms and mediums in her practice. She currently works with installations which aim to challenge the ‘normal’ perceptions of space and hopes to inspire the imagination. This latest site specific installation with Amy King draws on a theme of bringing the outside in. Amy King utilises a variety of mixed media in her handmade pieces. Her work often involves the reused – creating something new and interesting from the discarded or recycled. This latest installation with Revinder Chahal sees Amy’s sculptural rose encapsulated jars hanging at Platform 1 Gallery. These jars have been on display several times this year, each time seen in a different incarnation. Remnants of their first exhibition has left it’s mark on some of the jars – originating from hanging in the trees of Knowlands Wood in the Spring, some insects and seeds can be seen cast within the resin. Shema Ladva’s work for Platform 1 Gallery is a series of paintings which were shown earlier this year in Essex based around the concept of community and the dynamics of our younger generation in modern times. The depiction of two young adolescents “hanging out” has become synonymous to urban living regardless of media hype and political interference.