Empire Gallery
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Empire Gallery 30 Vyner Street, London, E2 9DQ------ Bilbao (Spain): Espacio Abisal Curated by: Jaime Zurdo. C/Hernani 14, Bajo 48003 Bilbao

REALTIONS is a live participatory event happening simultaneously between London and Bilbao, Spain. The realtional project explores relations in real space and real time, shifting the roles of audience, artwork and artist; turning the audience into the artwork.FOUND FOOTAGE is an installation exploring interactive narrative, composed by a B/W 16mm hand processed film metaphor and all the interpretations of it, generated by the subjectivity of the audience.TWISTER invites the public to become living sculptures creating ephemeral instants and moments. By playing TWISTER and connecting the different spaces sited in London and Bilbao through the internet, using web-cams and projectors, TWISTER connects and physically entangles all the participants, with the consequent creation of a human-web, in the real, as well as the digital space.RIGHT FOOT BLUE. LEFT HAND YELLOW. LEFT FOOT RED. RIGHT HAND GREEN. The event will be live streamed, 23rd-26th June/4-6 pm, on the following link:rtsp://