Exeter Phoenix Gallery
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bradninch Place Exeter Devon EX4 6LZ

In Commerce & Culture Richard Finn uses intensive techniques ranging from the purely digital to heavily worked traditional collage and pen & ink drawing to explore his interrelating life experiences – from work, leisure, citizenship, class structure, industry and urban environments, to imagination and the need for creativity. Finn has developed six new works from the key themes – think, watch, listen, dream, work & create – using a diverse collection of source material built up from personal and found objects and images. What emerges is a highly crafted, symbolic visual vocabulary which creates a kind of autobiographical self portrait of the artist’s daily life. Finn’s interest in archiving, filing systems & collections, which form the foundation of his practice, are further apparent in a restaging of his artist’s studio in a generic garden shed – the archetypal Englishman’s retreat from life for tinkering, thinking and the practice of eccentric behaviours. By inviting the viewer to peer through a window into his private, somewhat obsessive world, Finn effectively opens a portal into both his creative practice and the workings of his own mind.