Mission Gallery
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Gloucester Place Maritime Quarter Swansea SA1 1TY
Mission Gallery

Steve Adamson | Philippe Bradshaw | Ian Davenport  | David Fryer | Christopher Purnell I Bridget Smith | Craig Wood

Taking its title from the opening lines of the Sex Pistols’ Anarchy in the UK, Right         Now! is an exhibition which brings together again a group of Goldsmith’s graduates who, in 1988, presented a show titled Current at Mission Gallery.

The invitation from Mission Gallery to revisit this event is not just a review of sorts. Right     Now! looks at the trajectories of lives from one fixed point, that of an historic art exhibition. Right   Now! is a snap shot in time. It is a framework in which to examine the legacy of a definitive period in British Contemporary Art. The focus is on the lives of the people involved and the directions in which they have travelled.