Friday, January 14, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
12a South Parade Doncaster DN1 2DY

This exhibition celebrates the work of Rosemary Firth and the cream of Artists who have exhibited at her gallery over the past year. Rosemary’s theatrical batiks are like glimpses into other worlds, hints of deep dark forests, rock formations and geological contour maps, half remembered feelings and memories. The exhibition creates an environment which lures visitors in to her world. John Cutriss produces photos, pinhole photos and paintings reflecting his interest in buildings, alley ways and old buildings. The juxtaposition of colours and shapes create simple, calm and beautiful abstract images. Graham Firth’s lino prints record the people of Doncaster. The prints are humorous and extremely skilful observations of the world as seen from the coffee shop window. Rama Ramski is the fourth Artist. His large, colourful autobiographical paintings are reminiscent of the work of Hundertwasser.