NewBridge Space
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
18 New Bridge Street West Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8AW
North East England

Matthew Donnelly, Ben Jeans Houghton, Ove Kvavik, Edwin Li, Kate Liston, Iris Priest“The atomic individualism of patriarchy destroys much of the fabric of the human community. Such a damaged community is incapable of understanding the needs of its own members, much less of the nonhuman world.”Michael Zimmerman “The collective task of “reenchanting” our whole culture is, as I see it, one of the crucial tasks of our time…”Suzi Gablik SUPERCONDUCTOR is a group exhibition that brings together both regionally and internationally acclaimed artists. The show includes a diverse range of work including video, print and performance, which investigates the use art as a means to connect us imaginatively to the world in which we live through enchantment or careful enquiry. SUPERCONDUCTOR proposes that the artist of today is central for reinvesting everyday life with magic, mystery and meaning. The exhibition emphasises the unity between art and life as a means to create one’s own cultural conditions and to affect social change. As well as the works on show a satellite programme of events, talks and activities seek to invite everyone into the space irrespective of their knowledge of contemporary art to encourage interaction, participation and new perspectives. SUPERCONDUCTOR proposes that, rather than extraneous to everyday life, art is essential for connecting us imaginatively to the world in which we live and to one another.