Union 105
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
105 Chapeltown Road Leeds LS7 3HY

The Chapeltown Salon takes the French Salon as its formal reference point exhibiting artworks floor-to-ceiling on every available inch of space. In its spirit, however, it is closest to the alternative or unofficial salons of the 20th century, which – as opposed to the official Paris salon – opened these exhibitions to artists from non-academic backgrounds who were working in a range of media, not only painting, which eliminated the Salon’s monopoly on presenting art in a setting that critics and the public would accept as legitimate. During the four weeks, ESA will organise events to also recall the idea of literary/philosophical Salons of the 18th century as ‘theatres of conversation and exchange’, where people could meet and have debates about public matters. Our aim is to create a space for open discussions exploring the challenges of contemporary artistic practice and dissemination.