Ipswich Art School Gallery
Saturday, November 2, 2013
1 Upper High Street Ipswich Suffolk IP1 3NE
East England

We none of us exist without a context. Influential social relationships, circumstances, experiences, memories and perceptions – everything is context and everything we have ever known is our context. Identity in the Digital Age, the This ‘Me’ of Mine symposium, will consider these influences on identity creation, exploring how the phenomena of social media communications is altering these influences and how we see ourselves. Is the transience of the internet affecting memory? Does our attachment to objects influence the way we communicate? How are we coping with the multiple personas we must project through social media? These are some of the questions the panel will explore. Panellists are Dr David Houston Jones, Director of Visual Culture at the University of Exeter, Annabel Dover, exhibiting artist and PhD candidate at Wimbledon College of Art, Dr Aiden Gregg, Social Psychologist and lecturer at the University of Southampton and member of Centre for Research on Self and Identity, and Dr Catherine Horan, Sociologist and lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at University Campus Suffolk. Moderated by Jane Boyer.

Tickets: £16.55 available at