Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Castle Street, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA3 8TP.
North West England

375 million years ago, our ancestors crawled out of the waters… Underwater invites you to return to watery the depths once more. This immersive exhibition features work by ten UK and internationally celebrated contemporary artists. Highlights include mesmerising video works; one by Bill Viola in which two lovers intertwine as they descend into the murky depths; and another by Dorothy Cross in which a woman floats in sunlit waters, surrounded by jellyfish. A drawing by Ellen Gallagher conjures up a monstrous aquatic creature – part natural history specimen, part science fiction; and photographs by Daniel Gustav Cramer show a deathly and ominous seabed with towering rocks and rising silts. Straight from the pages of Jules Verne, a motorised model submarine by Cut and Scrape struggles to escape the clutches of a giant squid; meanwhile underwater recordings of strange chirruping fish emanate from the metallic sculptures of Klaus Osterwald. The exhibition also represents work by Janaina Tschäpe, Ed Pien, Shirley Kaneda and Seunghyun Woo. It includes monsters and mermaids, humans and sublime seascapes; sculpture, painting, film and sound works. This is a Towner Touring Exhibition, curated by Angela Kingston. Admission Free