Greenheath Business Centre
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Greenheath Business Centre (unit 109), 3 Colts Lane, Bethnal Green, E2 6JL. Tube: Bethnal Green

In their Practice Luke Morrison and Rauli Nykanen are concerned in the role of Space and its ongoing production by Time and Actual Entities. They aim to negotiate a given space transforming it into an experience which has the viewer as subject. The Space is ‘Here' with Time being ‘Then/now', and when the viewer enters, Time and Space come together on that instant to form place. The viewer is a key part of the work as such, but at first is confronted with the choice whether or not to participate. In this installation Morrison and Nykanen have incorporated sound to amass the space with layers of the co-existing everyday which the viewer then can exit and enter into a different space with different characteristics exposing a virtual plane.