Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Unit 4, White Post Lane, Hackney Wick E9 5EN

Arbeit Gallery is proud to present When Contents Become Form, by the artist Jeannie Driver.

The exhibition comprises of a hanging sculpture entitled White3 and six wall-based works.

The works are derived from the artists’ experience of visiting galleries in the role of audience.

Driver works with the history and materiality of paper documents in this case exhibtion press releases. White³, invites the viewer to walk around and experience the illusion of solidity, fragmentation, focus and unfocused vision.

Through the deconstruction and reconstruction the press releases lose what authority they once held; as code breakers, instructions, as tools of enculturation. The work homogenises the contents and is re-presented in a form that captures its original purpose and relationship with the creator.

The artwork invites the viewer to look, see and experience rather than read.

The wall pieces are a more direct confrontation with the politics and behaviour of gallery and exhibition spaces. The part-shredded, part-remaining photographs are layered and represented on one plane, constructed from documentary photographs taken in galleries across regions and countries.