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Doug Fishbone’s Leisure Land

As an artist and parent, I spend a lot of time thinking about how art can function to both engage both myself, as a 50’s something artist and my 7 year old daughter. As a show Doug Fishbone’s ‘Leisure land […]

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News News story

NOW SHOWING #90: The week’s top exhibitions

This week’s selection includes ‘solo’ shows in York and Nottingham by two artists who include examples of other artists’ works to create a dialogue around their own, while a double-header in Leeds sets in place a more formal conversation around the meaning of sculptural objects.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Our Yesterday Was Precious"

Arrival in Liverpool, Monday 1 October, 1.45pm A pack of schoolboys zigzagging up and down the steps of St George’s Hall blazers flapping in the wind all jonpaulgeorgeandringo, taking photos A beach flip-flop on the pavement Japanese students standing in […]

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