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Open studio exhibition at Blackhorse Lane Studios
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Opening doors

A tour around some of the UK’s open studios and artists’ open house events taking place this autumn.

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Investing in Scotland?s Creative Future
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New vision for Scotland

Launched in March, Creative Scotland’s first corporate plan presented an ambitious vision for the nation’s arts, culture and creative industries. This is backed by core Treasury financing of £35.5m with £14.5m of Scottish Government funds for specific initiatives, unspent reserves from the interim between Scottish Arts Council/Scottish Screen and Creative Scotland, some lottery funding back after diversion to the Olympics and reduced overheads due the merger that included a 30% staff cut.

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1000 Words ? Aporia
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New directions for the arts

Speaking at the Culture Change conference in January, Arts Minister Ed Vaizey called on arts organisations to embrace new technology as a resource to engage and develop audiences.

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Last portrait of mother
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Prizes and awards

A selection of forthcoming open exhibition competitions, bursaries and prizes for artists.

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Wideyed in Belgrade, June 2010
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NAN in conversation with Wideyed

In June 2010, Darlington-based photography collective Wideyed was granted a NAN Go and See bursary to travel to Belgrade for research and development. Emilia Telese talks to Lucy Carolan of Wideyed about the bursary and its impact on the group.

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Aron McCartney
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Space to create

Profiling studio and workshop facilities around the country, plus ambitious exhibition projects that are engaging with local communities.

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The Photographers? Gallery
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The Photographers’ Gallery closed for one year

The Photographers’ Gallery officially closed its doors to the public for one year on 19 September 2010 to “embark on our ambitious development of the building, creating a new, international home for photography in the UK”.

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Rural initiatives

Featuring a selection of the UK’s arts organisations that are providing vivid cultural life to rural areas.

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Digital visions

Selected round-up of forthcoming events, training courses and professional development opportunities from the world of new media arts and imaging.

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Lost skills found

A research project in North Wales is using a market stall to promote making skills and provide connections between students and the local community.

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Bulgan Camel Festival
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Sustaining artists’ practice

Artists are in effect micro-enterprises that hold long-term objectives for their practice that bear little or no relationship to arts and governmental policy time-frames and achievement measurements.

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Professional preparartion

In the second part of our post-graduate focus we explore the various options open to students at a selection of UK-based universities and art schools.

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Further research

Exploring research options on offer to post-graduate students at a selection of UK-based universities and art schools.

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Wait Here I Have Gone to Get Help
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Transforming a city

Startling architectural interventions, large-scale touring exhibitions and ambitious commissions will transform the city of Norwich 7-22 May through Norfolk & Norwich Festival (NNF10) as it presents its first ever visual arts programme.

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Moments of Breathing With You
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In residence

Manchester-based Cornerhouse in collaboration with FutureEverything, is hosting an artist in residence on 12-15 May.

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