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I’m planning to make 2 sculptures of 1. a steel sheet that’s folded using the bench metal folder, and 2. a copper sheet that’s curved like an ‘s’ shape using the plate roller. I haven’t worked out the exact dimensions yet but it would be under 1m. I’m going to email the technicians asking whether they have any 1m steel and copper sheets available, and the costings.

Left: maquette for copper sculpture. Right: maquette for steel sculpture

I’ve done maquettes of the pieces using 120gsm cartridge paper to see whether the folds and the curves are viable to do on the metal sheets. Due to the rotation of time slots I can’t get physically make the sculptures until the 28th, but would allow me time to check the dimensions and email the technicians my intentions for the workshop.

I know that there are some health and safety concerns with the pieces, because one end is folded at 45 degrees upwards, and the other is folded at 90 degrees upwards, and they all have sharp edges. To eliminate the risk of injuries, I won’t leave them out on the floor after testing them in a space.