behaviour - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

What The Metaverse?!

Recently The Metaverse has been bothering me. There’s a lot of chat about it in Virtual Reality circles, but I think scaring people with suggestions of strangers in vibrating pants is a bit alarmist. We need more good people in The Metaverse. Please join the good guys.

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Blog Post

The Non-Eating of Beetroot as a Political Act

AUDIOBLOG – Please click here I ask the questions of myself, fully aware that memory plays tricks on us, and that reality is changed by events before and after, so that an incident fits more readily with our self image…… […]

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Blog Post

Good testing

On answers. We like and at the same time don’t like answering and getting feedback depending on whether it’s reassuring or unsettling. To answer a question is a moment of confrontation and negotiation, in short: labour. We try to select […]

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