sci-art - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Kitchen magic

I swear one day I will write a book entitled the one hundred and one uses of salt. The stuff is incredible! Mixed with an equal amount of vinegar and you can change the colour of copper to a blue […]

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Blog Post

Going Round in Circles

After going round in circles thinking how to make a snake from copper mesh; I decided to make circles instead! So grateful to have done the Glass Masterclass last summer because now I am well and truly putting those skills […]

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Blog Post

Lightbulb Moment

Did you know that Daphnia (water flea) are used as diagnostics to monitor pollution in water? I’m rather fascinated by these tiny water fleas and am currently trying to reproduce them in glass (not to scale). This has proved rather […]

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Blog Post

Fox on Stilts

I have just come across the most fascinating animal; the Maned Wolf which is neither a fox or wolf despite appearance or name but a distinct species. It is so thin, you could be forgiven for missing it , if […]

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