subterranean - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Dungeon Crawling 3: The Descent

My aim with the a-n bursary I received was to build an imaginary subterranean location as a basis for an art work which in its most basic form is both open-ended and critically interesting for the player to explore. The […]

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Blog Post

Dungeon Crawling 2: Open the Caves!

The bursary I received from a-n was for experimenting with bringing ideas around game-journeying and space-making into my practice, particularly through learning how to render a digital space in 3D. In my last blog post I wrote about the research […]

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Blog Post

Dungeon Crawling 1: Magic is said to work in the cave

This summer I was invited by artist Flora Parrott and geographer Harriet Hawkins to speak at Expand & Contract, a research day they organised in London. The conference hosted a group of multidisciplinary practitioners to expand on themes related to […]

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