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Creative Chaos

Is it normal for an art college to be so utterly haphazard and chaotic?? Walking into Tod college one walks into another darker, madder world, where everything reeks of unkemptitude and you really do need to be careful where you sit/walk/put something down. Sometimes it bothers me. Sometimes it bothers me a lot. Sometimes its a fully acceptable part of life in the great creative mix. Occasionally I even appreciate the madness – for its edge, its abandon, its wanton disarray.

Ok so maybe I exaggerate slightly. Our sessions are not always chaotic. Not all of the tutors are entirely chaotic. Some of the students are in fact very sane.

What do we think about madness and creativity these days? Where is the pendulum just now on the swing from stereotypical crazy artist to blind denial and anti-feeling art?

Tod often feels like a place for the marginalised. Normality is not the norm. Love it hate it love it hate it. And many people thrive on it. This is good, right?

It feels unique. I just wonder if it is…

Answers on a postcard please, to be curated in a shoebox and composted.

For a visual essay on this visit http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=199278&id=709145588&l=a4825b4806