Viewing single post of blog 2010 Challenge

I haven’t posted in over a month, I think it’s because my momentum has slowed some what. I have completed the September challenge, not desperately successful, but completed none the less. I attempted to fly a kite for 2.5 hours to celebrate the achievements of one of the first female aviators. I could barley get the kite flying let alone for 2.5 hours. The resulting film is 25mins long, and is going to be shown as a part of the Format Festival, in a location in Burton Upon Trent.

For the subsequent challenges I have changed my approach to making. October, November and December have still to be completed. I have decided to focus on attempting to get them into festivals etc as proposals for new work.

The rational really is that my concept for the October challenge is going to be out of my budget and I really could use some assistance. In a nut shell I want to raise awareness of the use of unethically and at times illegally obtained hair for hair extensions and in doing so I want to open my own unethical salon. By doing this I hope to catch people off guard and give them a moment to ponder the reality of a fashion we are being encouraged to follow as consumers of celebrity culture.

So from here on out my challenges are attempting to work their way into programmes. It’s not something I am necessarily that good at achieving so I will have to up my game if I am to complete this project and the challenges. Incidentally I have had one ‘no’ so far, but you have to have a few no’s before you get a yes.