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Low Points

The inevitable has happened, I am having a project slump, a low point, a depression. The work I am producing I feel un-happy with, the challenges I am set feel un-inspiring, the durational aspect of the work is taking its tole.

I have received three returns from the challenge that was to challenge other people. The decision to contact these people who have yet to return is still lingering, should I? Shouldn’t I? Does the project loose integrity if I contact them, and pester them to complete the challenge? The three I have received back have however been very interesting, and perhaps obviously they have been returns from people who have already challenged me.

I went to yet another audition today, for the challenge to appear on TV. The audition was for a show called The Chase. It’s a little like the ultimate knowledge based pub quiz only with a little more competition and more at stake. The audition was very interesting. We entered in a group of 8 and had two sets of general knowledge questions to answerer secretly, as well as introducing ourselves and playing a version of a game called Taboo. It was actually really good fun, and I had conversations with several of the ‘auditionees’. I have become really interested in the people who apply to go on TV shows, what’s their motive, what do their peers think, what are they like, how far have they travelled, how did they hear about it. I find it fascinating, especially as perhaps it is not something I would normally do. Many of the people from today’s audition had appeared on the Weakest Link, and one of them had won. I didnt get shortlisted.

Another audition on Sunday, figures crossed its a big one! Also waiting to hear back from another.

This month after much deliberation I have chosen the following challenge:

‘Sew me a cambric shirt, without any seam or needlework.’

Challenged by Rob Van-Beek

This month I could not decide between the challenges I had received because of the people who had submitted them meaning my opinion was not objectively just. I also found all of the challenges to be prescriptive, not having much levy for interpretation. So I had my friend chose a coin out of my hand, depending on what he chose meant I would fulfil the relevant challenge, and the above is the result.

I recognise the challenge is form the classic Simon and Garfunkel hit, maybe there is something in that.

I am still looking for challenges so email me one over to [email protected]