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I made a decision on the challenge for October it is:

‘Break a bad law that creates space for a better world.’

Challenged by James aka The Vacuum Cleaner

Although I have many views and opinions on politics and morals, I in truth am not familiar with law. Other than the obvious ‘don’t murder’, ‘don’t steal’ etc, which are there for a reason, I’m not that hot on what our governments have decided to legalise or legitimise, or not as the case may be.

It is evident there are many useless laws, there are often stories in newspapers commenting on such. There are often stories on historical laws that should have been irradiated. One of my favourites is that it is high treason to put a stamp on a letter with the monarch being upside down. The amount of times I am guilty of treason is unreal, being anti-monarchy I should do this more often.

It’s all very well knowing about laws that seem silly or trivial, but when it comes to laws that are enforced and create negativity in some way then I have much to learn. I also wander what law I could possibly brake to make the world a better place. I believe in the actions of one person being significant, but I need to find something relevant. Luckily I have ordered a book on bad laws to give me some inspiration. I began looking on the governments website about existing laws but it is such a minefield I don’t know where to begin. Interestingly some of the most occurring types of laws they are introducing are to do with road works, that doesn’t seem law worthy!

I have also just released a confirmation letter that says I will be appearing in a TV show! Part one of the June Challenge is complete! Now all I need to do is win the thing! It can take a year to appear on the programme though, so no exciting news yet.

On a final note, I am really lacking in time and wish I could borrow a little, this challenge project could go on for years, not just the one! Here is some info on time related sharing http://www.e-flux.com/timebank/

More information on my project http://www.ameliabeavisharrison.com/2010challenge.html