International Cleaner

The main street, which the studios are on, is so busy with so much activity happening will anyone notice if I did a performance? Does it matter if there is an audience? There is always a market on along the main street, people eat overlooking or sitting on the pavements, I even saw two people playing badminton outside a shop. In England I feel street life is very controlled and sanitized with activity restricted to inside shops, shopping centres, and organised events. I know people say that this is because of our weather however it is cold in Chongqing but this doesn’t stop the hustle and bustle of the streets. Along the road there are lots of benches, which are always being used, I really like the design of them as the seating is close to the ground. This has sparked off an idea to do a performance using the benches, I like the idea of cleaning them.

Last night we went into the centre of town and we did some shopping in a large store, where I bought some props. I bought some cleaning products, plastic stool and plastic sleeves. In the studio today I have been experimenting with laying out the cleaning products and I just couldn’t help but put on my fancy dress flight hat. I am going to call myself ‘International Cleaner’ and clean the benches, Chloe will video it for me. I would like to video inside the International Festival of Art and get a tour of the exhibition with someone translating for me. The advertising signs for the Festival are basic with white Chinese symbol on a red background. I would like to make flyers that are designed in the same style as the Festival advertising with the symbol for power and hand these out in the street to passers by.

I performed my first intervention ‘International Cleaner’ on the street and I was a little nervous as I just kept thinking no one would notice what I was doing. I was wrong my cleaning ritual drew the public in and people stayed to the end of the performance. The piece lasted about 20 minutes and viewers commented ‘is this art?’ which for me is the biggest compliment. My intention with the ‘International Cleaner’ sign was to subtly critique the opening of the ‘International Art Festival’ and question the meaning of the word ‘International’. There is something ridiculous about using the words ‘cleaner’ & ‘International’ together as we only usually associate this term with high culture, business and travel. This performance exposes how the word is selectively used to promote/advertise products. As a foreign artist I felt that the act of cleaning the benches was also a personal offering to the public.


New Arrival

So many hours later I arrive in Chongqing and am met at the airport by Yan Yan and Chloe. We drove through lots of traffic, as it was the rush hour, the yellow taxis drive like England cab drivers, aggressively. I dumped my stuff off at the flat and then we went for dinner. We had a big hot pot of spicy prawns, tofu and vegetables, which was delicious although I found it difficult to get the prawns head and legs off with my chopsticks. It took me a while to get off to sleep, as I was cold but slept in til 11am. Went to the studio for the first time today and took along the few things I had bought with me, it was nice to lay my things out and start getting a feel for the space.

Speaking to Yan Yan it seems with the Chinese New Year celebrations the gallery will be used for a planned event so it is likely now that I will be showing my work in the studio or in another space of my choosing. This has taken a little bit of the pressure off and has got me thinking about starting some smaller projects which I can complete back in the UK. For example I would like to interview some of the artists who have already done international residencies to hear about their experiences. The audio files could be linked to a website or simply put onto a CD, sharing information in this way is important to me and I do see it as an artwork. We went for lunch and I had some dry spicy noodles, I really need to learn some more basic Mandarin, as I don’t feel confident ordering food.

I am not being stared at as much as I thought, however when I speak I am aware that people take more notice of me. I feel that I would still like to do a performance in the street or on public transport using my voice as this draws people’s attention. At lunch today Yan Yan pointed out a sign, which is advertising a government organised International Festival of Art, which only has Chinese artists in. The word ‘International’ is used in the UK for artists who are not from the country giving the impression that the work is somehow better or more insightful than a local/regional artist work. However the Chinese version is the opposite of this, which is saying that Chinese artists are International.