Twitter & FabLab

I’ve been enjoying using twitter to find out about arts activity and creative stuff happening in my local area. I can use it to communicate any event I am participating in, a good show I have seen and add links to other media such as a video on YouTube or my a-n blog. It’s a good tool to just put some thoughts out their into the web ether. There is something about transferring the idea from your head and onto the page, which can start the creative process. Ideas can be communicated in just a few words, which is why I like to use twitter as you can only enter 140 characters in one post.

Twitter response to creating a mould:


Twitter response to using a woodcutter:


I found out about the 8 hour FabLab Art challenge through a twitter Future Everything had posted, which I applied for an hour before the deadline www.futureeverything.org. On Saturday I visited the Lab, which is based at the Chips building in Ancoats and I was shown the variety of equipment I can use. With only a day to make something I was more interested in using the machinery that is quick and easy to get on with. After looking at what the Lab had to offer I am keen to make a small mould, as I like how the object sticks inside the amber casing and I want to experiment with different coloured resins. I would also like to have a go at making something larger scale and I could see how the woodcutter can easily create large shapes that I could layer up and how the overall process makes a jigsaw effect with the bits cut out from a sheet of wood. To create a mould for the letters I was advised to have a look at Google Sketchup, which is free computer software that can create 3D shapes, which I will be checking out this week, follow this link to download the software www.google.com/sketchup/download/.

If you want to follow me on twitter my username is nsartist34