The Golden Ticket

This morning I have been re-thinking how to plan the tours of the gallery and feel that I need to simplify the instructions. Originally I wanted to have ticketed spaces on the tour and communicate that you can also observe the tour, this is too complicated. I thought that I could bring this into the performance by giving selected individuals golden tickets to go on tour. I bought these golden envelopes in the arts and craft shop in China Town and they are used to burn in religious ceremony. I find it strange why you would want to burn such pretty paper and the man in the shop got a bit irritated with me as I kept picking things up and asking “what is this for?” and he just kept saying “it’s just for burning”. In the shop there was a mini concertinaed changing screen and small sweet like objects made from pastel coloured cardboard that I want to buy. I have been editing my video of the magic show and I am now waiting on translation. Yesterday I managed to find a green sparkly dress in a vintage shop and put a £10 deposit on it, I pick it up on Saturday. I’m feeling a little bit frustrated, as I have no money and am waiting to get paid at the end of the month; there will definatly be nothing left in the pot for Christmas presents this year. Writing the blog is giving me the structure I need to develop the work ready for installation next week. This has been an unusual way of working towards a residency as usually I am not sure what form the work will take. However as the residency is so short and we want to maximize the opportunity into a show rather than an open studio has meant developing a clear vision of what we want before we start.