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New toys

Much of my residency has been unexpectedly spent exploring online resources new to me. Up till now I have only ever had dial up connection whereas here I have super high speed broadband; it has been a bit like gorging myself till sick and some more in a sweet shop at night…

but I think I am balancing out to a more healthy diet now.

One of the things that has interested me is the numerous possibilities for online publishing, selling, visibility, online sharing of images – I have been wading through these deciding what I like and don't like.

One result of this has been a proliferation of test blog sites as I play around with E-blogger, only now I have found that wordpress is better…

And so I will be moving everything across (hopefully by the end of this residency!) into one super site through wordpress, which will be the "cathrynjiggens.com" that currently doesn't lead anywhere…

For now though here is another blog that I have done, a continuation of the dream diary I started earlier on this a-n site:

I had brought with me a quantitiy of material (old diaries) which I had been meaning to do something with for some time and a good friend in Newcastle is currently wading through a massive box of the rest, extracting my dream diaries.

For now though here is what I have put up so far…


As an ongoing project I think I would like to begin to add images to these texts.

I am considering how these sites are in effect for me a surrogate 'studio' space, a digital studio:

So just as getting old pictures, photos, material or whatever and sticking them up on the wall in a physical studio space helps motivate our creativity; I am finding in these sites a way to gather together (and release the 'energy' of) material that currently languishes unused in boxes under the bed.

Here are some other sites that I like and am currently experimenting with or have bookmarked for future reference:


online publishing


a place to buy and sell things handmade.