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Many have commented on time and place through writing and through artwork. Calvino wrote about objects invested with history and Bachelard wrote about spaces. When Bachelard talks of ‘The Poetics of Space’, he talks about poetic connotations that can be read into the physical dimensions and surfaces of the space, as the image carries more than a denotation (Barthes) of that place. Bachelard talks of doors from different perspectives as they become metaphors to launch into daydreams or mythology.

‘And what of all the doors of mere curiosity, that have tempted being for nothing, for emptiness, for an unknown that is not even imagined?’ (Bachelard 1958)

And alternatively he states:

‘. . . a mere door, can give images of hesitation, temptation, desire, security, welcome and respect,’ (Bachelard 1958)

The doorway is a conveyer from place to place in the here and now, and yet may have been so throughout a history of that place a conveyer for many people, many circumstances and the traces may implicitly remain, and yet again these implications may be imagined connotations.

So what can be evoked through the images? What memories will emerge, that of the space or our own memories?