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This week has seen a lot of work put in at Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum… hence not so much making time has been spent… been up to a few things though!

A-(Discussion)-Board is almost done, just needs one final coat of blackboard paint and its done… ready to be shipped off and exhibited and used (hopefully).

I’ve pieced togeather one of the Marking the Internet and the Physical Markers with new steel cable and have packed it up ready to be shipped off next week for a show in Liverpool, more details on which I will post soon!

I’ve been getting some post which has been interesting; I got some flyers to drop into work from Aby who is curating [S T A T E] an evening of performance, video and live action in Birmingham. I also recieved a wedge of A-N Magazines which feature myself and Flowlosopha in the digital partners article.

I’ve continued work on the Southam Cardall Collection publicaton and have been getting quotes back for printing… I’ve decided that each page is being printed on diffrent paper and folded into the publication by hand in the studio… I’ll post more info on this when things start happening, in the mean time heres a photo of the publication mock-up I made… The publication, when made will be in an edition of 100 and I’ve not yet work out if its going to be free or not…