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Well, the launch is done and now it’s on to the next event. We have got the next four events mapped out so all we have to do is make sure that people know about them and then make them happen.

Our focus for these early months of the Network is very much about getting to know each other, so for July we’re offering five of our member-artists a special opportunity to introduce themselves by giving a five minute Pecha Kucha-style talk about their work. The five are going to have to make some tough decisions about what to say about themselves while sticking to their alotted time and the fifteen slides they can use to demonstrate exactly what it is that they do.

So far we’ve got four of the five just about sorted and have plenty more people who could fill the fifth slot, but we’re just waiting for the four to confirm before we settle on number five as we want to make sure we have a really good mix which will demonstrate the breadth and diversity of art in the area.

AND ALSO…it was lovely to meet Matt Roberts of Matt Roberts Arts last week, who very kindly allowed me to pick his brains about the amazing things his organisation has achieved. I have followed the development of Matt Roberts Arts since it started in 2006, but could not have predicted that in 2011 Matt would be running an organisation with several thousand members and which offers opportunities for artists to submit work for 3 annual prizes and exhibit their work in a central London gallery. I am full of admiration at the selfless drive and passion that goes in to making these sort of opportunities available to artists.